URCI In the News
- From med tech to skin care: Top Gun names 41 startups to 2024 lineup
Mainebiz - Union River Center for Innovation & the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs
WERU 89.9 Community Radio - Ellsworth technology startup incubator finds home with a riverfront view
Mainebiz - Ellsworth’s haven for startups is looking for ‘the next IDEXX’
Mainebiz - A Look Back: Ellsworth startups have a big year
Mainebiz - Innovation incubator heats up in Ellsworth
Island Institute - A City on the Cutting Edge
maine. - The biotech entrepreneur: A multi-state search leads to Ellsworth
Maine Community Foundation - New business opportunities in Ellsworth
News Center Maine - Incubating an economy
American City and County - Founder Forum: Christine Soto of Monoclonals Inc.
Maine Startups Insider