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Ellsworth SBDC Relocates to Union River Center for Innovation

Union River Center for Innovation welcomed a new strategic partner, the Maine Small Business Development Center (SBDC), in March 2023 through our private rental service. URCI provides private rentals to incubator companies, remote workers, and organizations that are a value add to the Center. We were thrilled when the Ellsworth branch of the SBDC decided to relocate their headquarters to the URCI location. Given that the Maine SBDC has been recognized as a leader in the small business economic and development arenas since 1977, this partnership has been a perfect fit! 

The SBDC concept is a simple but effective one: assist entrepreneurs and small businesses through no-cost confidential business advising and training.

The Maine SBDC program helps build and strengthen small businesses through business advising, training and educational resources. Certified business advisors provide guidance on topics such as business feasibility, business plan development, capital acquisition, financial management, marketing and sales, e-commerce, customer service, personnel management, small business strategic planning and more.  Eric Treworgy is the SBDC advisor at the Ellsworth location at URCI, and as a small business owner himself, he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Ellsworth SBDC, Maine businesses, office space

We wanted to better understand the true value of the relocation for SBDC, so we interviewed SBDC advisor Eric Treworgy to get his insights:

1. What influenced the decision to relocate to the URCI location?

Relocating the URCI was really a no-brainer. The SBDC has a myriad of services for start-ups and can save new entrepreneurs time as they work on their concepts. An additional exciting aspect of relocating was to develop a closer relationship with the Ellsworth Economic Development Director to see how we can help the overall growth and health of our business community.

2. What services do you provide as a SBDC Advisor?

Our services include assistance with creating and updating business plans, cash flow projections (both of which are critical when securing financing), marketing plans, connecting to local resources such as attorneys, accountants, insurance agents. We help with understanding business structures, such as sole proprietorships, LLC’s S-corps, and how to connect with the right state and federal agencies to get set up. We provide advice and help, and when it requires expertise beyond what we know, we connect businesses with resources who have that expertise. As a small business owner myself (Pugnuts Ice Cream and Gelato in Surry) I can offer perspective on building a brand from scratch, and how to manage day to day operations. I have a particular interest in helping businesses develop strategies to manage cash flow, particularly during the off-season as so many of our local businesses have strong seasonality.

3. What do you like best about the new location at URCI? What are some of the key benefits?

The office is a fantastic resource. It is easy to find, and the common areas are beautiful.  When URCI was set up they clearly invested in creating a pleasant environment to work. The common room and conference room are both appointed with all the latest tech for video conferencing and are perfect for small seminars. And, of course, we are on the beautiful Ellsworth waterfront – easy to find, and in the summer, a great place to catch some food truck action!

4. It seems like there has been good synergy between SBDC and the management at URCI. Could you provide your perspective on that?

URCI is managed very professionally by Janna Richards and Voot Yin. They are always available when I have questions. In addition, the community of professionals working here on their own projects are a great group – helpful when you need them and they create a stimulating environment. I am proud that the SBDC is located here at URCI, and enjoy working here immensely!

The location is clearly the best place for SBDC to be, given our mission to support new and existing small businesses.

For more information about URCI services, including private rental spaces, please visit our Programs and Services page.